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“net neutrality”
net neutrality, network neutrality, internet neutrality
1. The principle that basic internet protocols should be non-discriminatory; especially, that content providers should get equal treatment from internet operators.
2. In network design, the principle that an electronic public information network; such as, the internet, will be useful if all content, sites, and platforms are treated equally.
5. The term used to prevent private companies from censoring web sites and giving the federal government the power to censor web sites.
2. In network design, the principle that an electronic public information network; such as, the internet, will be useful if all content, sites, and platforms are treated equally.
In the United States, Congressional legislation has been introduced to allow discrimination by broadband carriers on the basis of quality of service (tiering).
Critics maintain that, to remain neutral, the internet must forward packets on a first-come, first-served basis, without regard for quality of service.
3. The principle that internet users should be able to access any web content they choose and use any applications they choose, without restrictions or limitations imposed by their internet service provider (ISP).In other words, this term refers to a network as not favoring one application or certain web content over another, but rather it should provide services in a nondiscriminatory, unrestricted fashion.
4. A "level playing field" for internet transport which refers to the absence of restrictions or priorities placed on the type of content carried over the internet by the carriers and ISPs that run the major systems.5. The term used to prevent private companies from censoring web sites and giving the federal government the power to censor web sites.
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